Music Server / CD Ripper - ST-G30

Music Server / CD Ripper - ST-G30

Sale price $4,999.99

Grand Class Music Server - Hi-Fi music server engineered to deliver high-quality sound and a premium user experience for network audio.

  • Low Noise USB Transfer
  • Silent SSD
  • Digital Noise Isolation Architecture
  • Bit-Perfect Ripping
  • Rigidly-Mounted Sheltered Drive
  • High Rigidity Metal Double Chassis

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    Bit-Perfect Ripping

    During CD ripping, if there are uncorrectable errors due to marks or scratches on the CD, ST-G30 determines the size of the error, performs a read retry in an attempt to read the correct data. If the retry still results in an error, the ST-G30 notifies the listener with an alert.

    LEGAL NOTICE: Recording and playback of content on this (or any other) device may require permission from the copyright owner. Panasonic has no authority to and does not grant you that permission and explicitly disclaims any right, ability or intention to obtain such permission on your behalf. It is your responsibility to ensure that your use of this or any other device complies with applicable copyright law in your country.

    In the case of music data streamed over a network, the decoding process performed by the player and the fluctuation of voltage caused by the packet processing load, etc., can cause jitter. The ST-G30 can connect to a USB-DAC device via the USB output and perform the decoding process, thus reducing the processing load in the player and achieving data transmission with minimal jitter.*This function is guaranteed only for Technics products.

    Custom-made, Anti-vibration SSD

    An SSD with no moving parts, hence no vibration or operating noise, has been specially developed for the ST-G30. SSDs developed for ordinary PC applications often prioritise light weight rather than considering vibration resistance. The SSD developed for the ST-G30 provides a damper inside the aluminium case for vibration reduction. The SSD case is also strengthened to reproduce sounds with the highest accuracy. In addition by making the SSD removable, it can be easily upgraded in the future.


    Rigidly-Mounted Sheltered Drive

    The optical drive, which generates rather large rotational vibration during operation, is enclosed in a silent drive shelter to achieve quiet operation, and its drive base is rigidly mounted at the centre of the casing to suppress vibration and noise.

    High Rigidity Metal Double Chassis

    The High-Rigidity Metal Double Chassis features a steel-plate inner chassis and a steel-plate outer chassis to reduce vibration and noise that degrade the purity of the sound. To support heavy parts and components and lower the centre of gravity for improved stability, the inner chassis is made of a 1.2-mm-thick plate. The bottom surface of the cabinet is a 2-mm-thick steel plate

    Cast Iron Insulator

    The insulator is made of cast iron with high rigidity and an excellent damping property. It significantly reduces extraneous vibrations and external transmission of vibrations.

    Easy Management of Your Digital Music Library Without Having to Use a PC. Stress-free Musical Enjoyment.

    Using the Technics Music App for tablet devices and smartphones allows easy operation of tasks such as CD ripping, tag editing,* import/backup, USB-Audio playback, and various settings. Music information can be sourced from the Internet and added with Gracenote® for data that has been ripped from a CD. There's no need for PC tasks that distract you from listening to your music, so you enjoy easy, comfortable operation.*Title/Artist/Album/Album Artist/Track No./Genre/Year/Era/Album Art.


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